On the Road Again! Trinity College Dublin

In the heart of Dublin lies a beacon of learning, history, and culture -Trinity College Dublin established in 1592. Steeped in tradition and scholarly pursuit, this renowned institution beckons visitors from across the globe to immerse themselves in its rich heritage. 17,000 undergraduates are fortunate to call it their home.

I was treated to a visit to the iconic Long Room, a place that epitomizes the timeless allure of Trinity College. Towering shelves line the walls, adorned with countless volumes written by scholars from all different disciplines. My timing was very lucky since the Long Room will be closed shortly as books are being carefully removed and the room is being meticulously restored.

Of course, no visit to Trinity College would be complete without seeing one of its most prized treasures, the Book of Kells, gifted to the university in the 1600s. Housed within the halls of the Old Library, this ancient manuscript is a masterpiece of medieval artistry and craftsmanship. Now you can also visit the Book of Kells Experience, an interactive explanation of the history and making of the Book of Kells.

In addition to these must see stops, here are some other interesting facts about Trinity:

  • The graduation ceremony takes place in Latin! That is a bit unusual (and interesting)!
  • Certain students known as Scholars take an exam in their second year. If they pass, their tuition is cut in half and they receive a free meal every day in a cafeteria designated just for the Scholars.
  • There is more to the university than the beautiful buildings aboveground. Underground you can find catacombs and a famous wine cellar.
  • Like most universities in Europe, students apply directly to a major. Most programs are four years although there are some specific programs in computer science and engineering which are longer and students graduate with a masters degree.
  • Global business is a very popular major. Trinity has been rated the #1 university in Europe for producing entrepreneurs.  There is a Shark Tank type of competition in which students can get 20,000 Euro seed money.
  • Trinity’s rugby team is the oldest in the world.
  • Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde, both alums, apparently were good friends!